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皆川鍼灸スポーツマッサージ療院 | 日記 | 当治療院は感染防止の指針(ガイドライン)を持っています。/Our clinic has guidelines for infection control.






TEL : 092-263-4451

皆川鍼灸スポーツマッサージ療院 日記

TOP > 皆川鍼灸スポーツマッサージ療院 日記 > 当治療院は感染防止の指針(ガイドライン)を持っています。/Our clinic has guidelines for infection control.

当治療院は感染防止の指針(ガイドライン)を持っています。/Our clinic has guidelines for infection control. (2020.04.16)

The therapist measures the temperature every morning and does not perform the treatment if there are symptoms such as fever.

The practitioner always wears a mask. We perform hand disinfection at the time of treatment and manage acupuncture tools and towels thoroughly.

Alcohol disinfectant is prepared. We also ask patients to disinfect the hand with alcohol.

We regularly replace the air in the office and wipe it.

Currently, we have a reservation system, and we have a reservation interval.
Care is taken to prevent contact with the patient such as disinfection and securing ventilation time.

If you have any symptoms such as fever or cough at the client, please report before treatment. Please make your own physical condition first and refrain from visiting the clinic if you have fever, cough, malaise, taste olfaction, or other symptoms such as a cold.
We accept reservation changes without undue effort.

If you have traveled or stayed in a new coronavirus-infected area within one month, or have any contact with such a person, please let us know.

東北医科薬科大学病院から「新型コロナウイルス感染症 〜市民向け感染予防ハンドブック」というものが出ております。ご参考までに。
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital has released a new coronavirus infection. A handbook for citizens to prevent infection. For your information. (Japanese)

This is an English document on the infectious disease prevention measures for citizens of the Japanese government.

厚生労働省 新型コロナウイルス感染症について


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